Germitec Hypernova Chronos®
Product Information
Hypernova Chronos® is a UV based High Level Disinfection (HLD) system for ultrasound probes. This disruptive innovation removes chemicals from the workplace, radically simplifies healthcare work and frees up highly skilled resources for patient care. Hypernova Chronos is the only photonics High Level Disinfection system applicable to external, vaginal and rectal ultrasound probes.
Germitec are proud to announce that the Chronos UV-C High-Level Disinfection device for endocavity and external ultrasound probes, has been granted FDA approval.
See Germitec’s press release to read first-hand how Germitec is improving standards of care by reducing cross-contamination risk through the Chronos UV-C HLD. PR_Chronos De Novo_US_Final