The VSNZ Meeting for 2018 will be integrated with APSCVIR. The APSCVIR (Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology) is holding its 13th Annual Scientific Meeting in Auckland 8-11 March 2018. This is an exciting opportunity to hear a range of international and local faculty.
Registration: is now open and you can register online via the following link:
Note there are earlybird registration fees until December 4th. The VSNZ Registration only allows you attendance to the meeting from lunchtime Friday to close of meeting Sunday. If you wish to attend APSCVIR sessions on Thursday 8th March or the morning of Friday 9th March you need to register as an APSCVIR Delegate.
For further details regarding the programme and accommodation options please visit the website: www.apscvir2018.com
Call for Abstracts: the link below will take you through to the page which will give you details including guidelines and a template to use.
Please note deadline for submission is 31st October 2017.