AirLife MacIntosh Reusable Laryngoscope Blades
Product Information
Built with an integral, extra large fibre optic bundle providing more cool white light. Integral design enables superior cleaning by elimination of cracks and crevices.
- Integral fibre bundle
- 303/304 surgical stainless steel
- No cracks or crevices to trap debris; helps to prevent cross contamination
- Cleaning/sterilisation: no adverse effects in using ETO, steam autoclaving or by soaking in Sporax or Cidex
- Long life
- Not chrome plated
Durable flexible cushioning. Cured silicone elastomer. Blue, radio-opaque silicone.
- Used in oral surgery
- Protect the teeth, caps & crowns from accidental damage or trauma
- High tear-resistance & tensile strength
- Adult & child sizes
- Sterile or non-sterile